Friday, August 17, 2012

I just want to understand.

The best advice I could give anyone who moves to a foreign country with a new language that you should probably learn that language. I have learned enough Korean to hold a small conversation, and I understand much more Korean than I can speak, but sadly, it's no where near enough to help me in some situations. Situations like going to the bank to wire money to a bank in Malaysia for your upcoming holiday. For your entertainment and my humility, I present to you said situation at the bank.

Bank Manager (had a guy at LG call ahead and I got to deal with the manager):안녕하세요
Me: um,와이어 돈?
Manager: ah 내.어디에?
Manager: Bank book?
Me: 내
(The following is not real Korean, so don't bother typing it into google translate.)
Manager: 비니ㄴㅎ꺁.퍄?
Me: ...
Me: ...
Manager: account number in Malaysia?
Me: OH! Yes, I have it.
Manager: 퍄미렄틏ㅍ?
Manager: 프캬미ㅑㅈㅜㄴㅃ?...(sigh) uh...wait a moment
Me: ok (ohgodohgodohgod what did he say?)
Manager hands me a phone. "Here"
Me: Hello?
Stranger: He say that you have to have address of bank in Malaysia. You don't have address then it will be difficult.
Me: (It isn't already!?) oh ok thank you.
Manager: Understand, yes?
Me: 내,감사합니다. 죄송합니다.
Manager: 내, 내.

And that people, is everyday life.

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