Wednesday, June 27, 2012

What the Wednesday: Airport Security

I'm from the States so when I get ready to fly I have to prepare myself physically, mentally, and go in confident of body because I could get a pat down. Belts, loose change, shoes, cardigans, jackets, hats-they all come off and away from body.

Not when you live in Korea though.

Best. Airport. Experience. Ever. I flew domestically from Gwangju to Seoul this past weekend, and went through the routine: 3 oz liquids in clear bag at the top of my bag so I easily show the security, wore flip flops to make shoe removal easier, no belt. It was all so very unnecessary. I kept my shoes on, didn't have to take any liquids out of my bag, walked through a metal detector and didn't have a full body scan. Oh no. I walked through. Easy peasy. Then when people would walk through and the detector would go off the would just get a little wave of the metal wand and they were deemed safe. I sat in the airport in complete amazement, thinking, "what the...?!" My New Zealander friend couldn't get over my shock. She had stocked full bottles of shampoo in her bag which I thought was just not done.

Needless to say on the return flight all of the liquidy stuff I bought over the weekend (vanilla extract, expensive shampoo, chocolate frosting) went deep in my bag because I knew I wouldn't have to retrieve it later. In fact, I bought the shampoo just because I knew I could take it on my carry-on luggage. I loved it. Another reason my small sabbatical in America is going to be difficult in adjustment.

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