Friday, March 1, 2013

There and Back Again

I love Thomas Wolfe. I mean he's a fellow North Carolinian, his last name is Wolfe, and he's a pretty decent writer. However, that whole "you can never go home again" line really messes with your head. Can I? Why not? What secret knowledge do you know Wolfe?!
Well, I went home. I held new wee babies whose heads threatened to pop off if I didn't "support it". (I'm scared of babies, ok? Don't judge me.) I got amazing coffee from my old uni haunts and walked around campus with friends. Ate. Everything. Realized old crushes can be renewed. I sat around fire pits, drank beer, and picked up with friends as if I'd never left. Korea had been a dream. The taste of kimchi was forgotten. The road to my favorite park was remembered, even the pothole I knew to swerve around. (Come on Greensboro, it's been 10 years. Fix that thing.) Thanksgiving and Christmas food was made and devoured, and I drove a car. Everywhere. Oh that bliss.

Then I went to the Philippines with a couple of my Korea-made friends and was drawn back into what my life was like, what it was going to be in a couple of months. I was ready to return. I hadn't forgotten my love of Korea or my love of travel, the absolute need to pack a backpack and start trekking. No, I had just taken a break. I needed to hug babies and taste my mom's food.
There's this line in the song "Cups" that says it perfectly, "These feet weren't built to stay too long". And they weren't.

So I went home. And then I came back again. Take that Wolfe and Tolkien.

Some pictures of the travels.

My Mainer sister.

The Philippines


Home chingus


1 comment:

  1. It’s funny how you don't really know much someone means to you until you don't have them at the moments and time you know you most want them to be a part of. Having you home was a bittersweet gift to show just how much our "niche group" has a hole when you aren't around. I'm so glad you get to go and pursue dreams and make memories and develop life into the mold in which excites you and keeps you going. I miss you already and I hope that you have as good a year this year as you did last.
