Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Jennifer: The Published One

I'm back from vacation. My sister has left the country and you can look forward to several posts about our adventures in the coming weeks. If you're looking to travel to Korea and want to see some touristy spots, I got it all for you, my opinions tacked on of course.

But since I am just back from vacation, have new classes and new students, and my life is struggling to return to normal with more responsibilities added on, blogging today will be simple. I present to you my first published piece. I emailed the publication people at Gwangju News, a small, all volunteer, monthly publication about two months ago asking if I could contribute. After I submitted my ideas, I was given the green light to write a small piece about living in rural Korea, since it was relatively unexplored area. I submitted my article and then...nothing. I had no idea if it was accepted, rejected, thrown onto the "save for a bad month" pile. Nada. It wasn't until the last day of February, when I went into Gwangju, rushed to a restaurant that I knew had copies available, that I found it.
And now I share with all you good people.

Update: The editor asked me if I'd like to write to order. Well, hello there career in writing. I thought I'd lost you.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the publication!! Hope to see your byline in the NY Times very soon!
    Uncle Ben
